Kennedy Center Internship

The purpose of this blog is to track my progress and work as a Vilar Institute Intern at the Kennedy Center, in Washington, DC.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Getting into the swing of things!

Finally, I think things are starting to settle in a little bit...and that's when the NSO Ball comes into play! Suprisingly, things have been very calm here, considering the size of the event that must be put on come Sunday. The Special Events office seems to be buzzing with activity, but here in MG, we have been busy researching, as ususal. I assisted Clarence by researching a Trustee that Michael Kaiser will be meeting with this weekend. It was awsome to be included on the last-minute details. I think that inclusion really came through today, and I am so glad I could be part of the office. I really felt like a help to the MG office today! (and part of the fun that is Major Gifts Land!)

My critical incident will be one this week, simply because it was pretty monumental, at least for me. Today was the first day I felt more a part of the office than ever before. I was useful to the staff, could help out with Tessitura, as well as KC Master, and even got to sit in and be part of an MG office meeting. I feel like things are taking off, or at least beginning. It's been a little lonely in terms of the other interns again, this time the reason being me. I've been so detached from everything, mainly because of all the work I have to do for classes. Plus, the shows.

So, my critical incident meant a lot, because I've been stressed out and tired, but always trying my hardest in the office. It's good to know that my co-workers are learning to trust me, and put enough faith in me to help out with an important briefing. My supervisor is being more attentive to me, because I am following through on my briefings as much as I possibly can, or know.

The week has been pretty normal, with a lot of researching on some interesting business men (no women this week!). So, I've been brushing up on my researching abilities, and doing lots of practice.

In the news this week...The National Museum of the American Indian officially opened to the public on Tuesday, with a grand procession on the National Mall. I read in the New York Times on Tuesday (the 21st) that a Trustee of the Museum of Modern Art in NY (Harvey S. Shipley Miller) plans to leave all of his pieces of artwork to the museum. He has been collecting artwork for many years, with a specific emphasis on up-and-coming artists. The museum will inherit a fabulous collection of art, which I think is wonderful. A gift of something tangible is so thoughtful to a non-profit. I sent the article over to my boss, Kara, because I know that her background is in visual art, and that she would enjoy reading the article.

Well...that's about it for this week. :-) It's been pretty tedious, but satisfying.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

What now?

So...finished three briefings. I know the FY is coming to a close, so things are busy, especially for that final push from donors. So...I really dont have anything to do at the moment, so I thought I would check in with the journal.

It's 4:35pm right now. I just gotta make it to 6:00pm!! Oh boy...can't I leave at 5:30 today? :-)

I was so efficient in the morning, now I have nothing to do. I know I should be efficient with my time, but no one's giving me anything to do. Oh well...Too bad I already did my hour of filing today.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Still Getting Used to Things...

Things have been going a lot better. It is a difficult thing to be thrown into "corporate America" right away, and to have college obligations at the same time. The sheer fact that I can't go to bed when I would like is difficult. It's truly something you need to be disciplined for. I'm happy that I can stage manage at the same time as this, but lets face it...I definetly need some sleep.

Anyway, I have been learning so much here. I know at least a few of the other intern's names...I should probably know more. I'm trying my best! My first critical incident happened just today. I was not looking forward to the "group bonding" activity (there's a trend here!). But it was actually a lot of fun! The facilitator, Deidre Lavrakas, works in Production. I was excited to meet someone from that department, since I would love to potentially work for them as an SM. I had a great time putting together a little skit with my group. I actually had a really good time! Anyway, I think the critical part of this incident was that I felt the beginnings of a connection with some of the other interns, and I made a connection with an individual from another department, which is one of my goals and objectives. Things are moving on the right course.

My second critical incident is fairly predictable, but I am happy to report it. I was working so hard on my first briefing, and, of course, I was unsure about almost everything. I made a rough copy for my supervisor to look at. She made a few changes with me, and I made sure to understand why everything needed to be changed. I sent the final copy to Kara via e-mail, and she forwarded it to all of my co-workers in Major Gifts, as well as Ed Zakreski, Tom West, James Steichen, and Jennifer Renner. I was so happy because she noted that my briefing was excellent. It really made me happy to know that my work is appreciated by my supervisor.

In the Washington Post last week, it was reported that Michael Kaiser will continue his position as President of The Kennedy Center until 2011, with an even high salary than he has currently. Also, the Honors awards recipients were announced! Warren Beatty, Joan Sutherland, John Williams, Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee, and Sir Elton John. I can't wait to see how this event is planned, implemented, and carried out smoothly. It seems like such a daunting task, but everyone here is very calm and collected.

The interns in the Development office were assigned to work at the NSO Ball, so I am looking for a dress to wear. Lots of running around, I'm sure. :-)

Thursday, September 16, 2004

My Goals and Objectives

Lori Siegelaub
Major Gifts Intern, Fall 2004

Goals and Objectives

Day-to-Day Activities
Read The Washington Post and The New York Times, paying particular attention to articles in the arts and business sections.
Maintain general upkeep of research materials (i.e. newspapers) and filing system.
Weekly Activities
Create an online blog of my experiences, documenting “critical incidents,” as well as citing newspaper articles of pertinence. Posts are to be made every Friday, and delivered to Caitlin on the following Monday. The blog can be viewed at
Take computer-training courses through The Kennedy Center system, and utilize new skills on the job.
Complete briefings and any other assignments accurately, quickly, and on time.
Long Run Objectives
Attend at least 3 performances in different areas of the arts, in addition to the NSO Ball and the Kennedy Center Honors awards. At least one of these will be a Theatre event.
Attend the STP&A Conference at George Mason University on Friday, October 8th 2004. I will attend workshops of the following topics, and relay information from these sessions to my department, as well as post any learning points on my blog.
Lobbying the Arts: Changing Dynamics at the Federal Level
Funding Issues
Become fluent in Tessitura and KC Master, as well as brush up skills in Excel and Outlook.
Establish contacts and learn more about the rest of the organization by meeting with at least 2 staff members outside of the Major Gifts office, including one from Production.
Improve my research and writing abilities through briefings.
Improve communication by building relationships with co-workers, fellow interns, and possibly donors.
Learn about the specific fundraising campaigns in more detail, and include information in my journal.
Explore every aspect of development, discovering strengths and weaknesses, as well as likes and dislikes.

___________________________ ___________________________
Kara Barnes, Major Gifts Manager Lori Siegelaub, Intern

Friday, September 10, 2004

What a whirlwind first four days!

In keeping with requirements set forth by both the Kennedy Center Vilar Institute and American University's Internship class, I will be keeping a journal (or, blog) to document my work in this endeavor. The technique I will be using is "The Critical Incident Technique," as well as commenting on newspaper articles from both The New York Times and The Washington Post that have relevance to the work I am doing.

On my first day, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed, mainly because of the size of the facility, as well as the size of the group of new interns. At the orientation, I realized the amount of work I will be responsible for. I am one of the only individuals still in undergraduate school, which was kind of intimidating. I met my boss, Kara Barnes, who seems like a very knowledgeable manager.

My first "critical incident" occurred at the intern bus tour of the city, which occurred on Thursday, September 9th at 5:30pm. I define the event as critical, for me, because I felt particularly out of place with the other interns. I know that the event was supposed to "foster relationships," yet I couldn't quite connect with the others. With any new situation, it is difficult to just dive right in and feel comfortable. I feel comfortable with the DC area, and all the new interns are just getting acclimated to it now. Sitting alone in that bus was difficult, but I just sat there and soaked in what they are interested in, trying to comment on pieces of information I knew. I am slowly but surely meeting each person and making a personal connection to them. I feel a bit younger than everyone else, which only makes the situation a little worse for me. In terms of actions to take, I will continue to make connections with interns I have not met, and make myself more comfortable with them.

My second" critical incident" is when I was given my research and project folder by Liana, the assistant in the Major Gifts Department. I was excited to get started on what I love to do, which is research. I am learning a lot about resources, and different sources to go to for varied pieces of information. The volumes of books on the wall, and the many internet search engines are a source of much information. I love putting together the pieces of the puzzle, and find little "tidbits" to put on the briefing. I try to keep up with the daily news, since my co-workers will send articles attached to emails, expecting us to have read up! I love that everyone here is so on top of everything, and knows what they are doing. It gives me a great sense of security. I am excited about getting more into my research projects, and creating a real briefing.

When I was reading the Washington Post on Thursday, Sept. 9th, I noticed an article discussing the Signature Theatre and their new theatre project, costing $12.5 million dollars. Two of the donors listed in the article are also major donors at the Kennedy Center. My boss, Kara, sent the article out to Liana, Clarence, Holly, and myself, so we could make photocopies of the article and put it in the donors files. I thought the turnaround time was incredible, and the department was so on top of everything.

I consider myself so lucky to be here with these dedicated and hard-working professionals. Hopefully I will walk away from this experience a more determined worker, and a harder working student and colleague.