Kennedy Center Internship

The purpose of this blog is to track my progress and work as a Vilar Institute Intern at the Kennedy Center, in Washington, DC.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Back to the grind, but not for long!

This week has gone by really fast, which is awesome. I have been feeling, lately, that I have been contributing to what is going on in the office, as well as in the development office. While National Advancement prepares for the busy Honors weekend, I will be assisting their office with some various tasks. I have already helped them out with two separate projects: the state reports, and the press packet. Both of these gave me a reason to look at something different in the greater scheme of the DEVO office. A new look on something is never bad, so I was glad to accept the work from National Advancement, which is something I would like to learn more about.

On Friday, I finished up a bunch of work, including a briefing I had been working on for a while. The Forbes 400 has been an interesting project, but definitely not one of my favorites. The process of getting Kara the briefing has not been working, and I don't know how else to make it work. This is something that I will bring up with her when I have a moment to talk with her. It's something I would like to pass on to the next intern in the MG Intern Binder (which I also plan to revise and continue the letter ritual!).

This week will hopefully go by quickly, and then it's Thanksgiving! However, I have a lot of work to get done until then. Setting goals has been an effective way for me to manage my work. When I reach my goals, it feels really awesome for the week. I am still continuing work on the Annual Reports project, and only have about 14 or so organizations left to call. Hopefully, I will be able to complete that before I leave. It's something that has been on my list, and something that has helped challenge me, as I am still honing up my telephone skills.

But on Friday, I was busy doing work for National Advancement, something my supervisor arranged for me to do. I happened to hear her on the phone, since I try to listen and get pointers about how she handles herself. She was talking about "the intern," which I guess to be me. I was sad when she mentioned the same points she had critiqued me on during the mid semester review. I have been working hard to get things accomplished, and learn in the process. I had hoped to work on the tips she gave me, however it will take more time. I am kind of sad that I happened to overhear this, especially on Friday, when I was feeling very confident of my work. I guess Rome wasn't built in a day, and I should be grateful that she still thinks I am doing a good job with the work.

In the news...The New York Times (11/17) reports that the Public Theatre of NY will appoint a new Executive Director, chosen by the board. He is currently the Executive Director for a theatre company in Connecticut, and is very interested in bringing new works from well known playwrights to the stage. Tony Kushner, the author of Angels in America, gives most of his new work to Oskar Eustis, the man taking over the Public Theatre. This should provide an interesting opportunity for the company.

The Washington Post (11/19) reports that Jerry Seinfeld left the "Puffy Shirt" from one of the episodes of his hit show to the Smithsonian Institute. The shirt will be showcased in the Popular Culture section of the American History Museum (along with Dorothy's red ruby slippers, and the Bunker's arm chairs). Also in the Post (11/22), the Studio Theatre is expanding its premises, with the purchase and renovation of two additional old automobile shops. The shops will be renovated to include more space for a theatre, bar, more restrooms, and additional scene shop space. The newspaper mentions that this will aid the theatre to continue putting on great shows, and keeps the community on the cutting edge of architectural change.