Kennedy Center Internship

The purpose of this blog is to track my progress and work as a Vilar Institute Intern at the Kennedy Center, in Washington, DC.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Getting into the swing of things!

Finally, I think things are starting to settle in a little bit...and that's when the NSO Ball comes into play! Suprisingly, things have been very calm here, considering the size of the event that must be put on come Sunday. The Special Events office seems to be buzzing with activity, but here in MG, we have been busy researching, as ususal. I assisted Clarence by researching a Trustee that Michael Kaiser will be meeting with this weekend. It was awsome to be included on the last-minute details. I think that inclusion really came through today, and I am so glad I could be part of the office. I really felt like a help to the MG office today! (and part of the fun that is Major Gifts Land!)

My critical incident will be one this week, simply because it was pretty monumental, at least for me. Today was the first day I felt more a part of the office than ever before. I was useful to the staff, could help out with Tessitura, as well as KC Master, and even got to sit in and be part of an MG office meeting. I feel like things are taking off, or at least beginning. It's been a little lonely in terms of the other interns again, this time the reason being me. I've been so detached from everything, mainly because of all the work I have to do for classes. Plus, the shows.

So, my critical incident meant a lot, because I've been stressed out and tired, but always trying my hardest in the office. It's good to know that my co-workers are learning to trust me, and put enough faith in me to help out with an important briefing. My supervisor is being more attentive to me, because I am following through on my briefings as much as I possibly can, or know.

The week has been pretty normal, with a lot of researching on some interesting business men (no women this week!). So, I've been brushing up on my researching abilities, and doing lots of practice.

In the news this week...The National Museum of the American Indian officially opened to the public on Tuesday, with a grand procession on the National Mall. I read in the New York Times on Tuesday (the 21st) that a Trustee of the Museum of Modern Art in NY (Harvey S. Shipley Miller) plans to leave all of his pieces of artwork to the museum. He has been collecting artwork for many years, with a specific emphasis on up-and-coming artists. The museum will inherit a fabulous collection of art, which I think is wonderful. A gift of something tangible is so thoughtful to a non-profit. I sent the article over to my boss, Kara, because I know that her background is in visual art, and that she would enjoy reading the article.

Well...that's about it for this week. :-) It's been pretty tedious, but satisfying.