Kennedy Center Internship

The purpose of this blog is to track my progress and work as a Vilar Institute Intern at the Kennedy Center, in Washington, DC.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

My Goals and Objectives

Lori Siegelaub
Major Gifts Intern, Fall 2004

Goals and Objectives

Day-to-Day Activities
Read The Washington Post and The New York Times, paying particular attention to articles in the arts and business sections.
Maintain general upkeep of research materials (i.e. newspapers) and filing system.
Weekly Activities
Create an online blog of my experiences, documenting “critical incidents,” as well as citing newspaper articles of pertinence. Posts are to be made every Friday, and delivered to Caitlin on the following Monday. The blog can be viewed at
Take computer-training courses through The Kennedy Center system, and utilize new skills on the job.
Complete briefings and any other assignments accurately, quickly, and on time.
Long Run Objectives
Attend at least 3 performances in different areas of the arts, in addition to the NSO Ball and the Kennedy Center Honors awards. At least one of these will be a Theatre event.
Attend the STP&A Conference at George Mason University on Friday, October 8th 2004. I will attend workshops of the following topics, and relay information from these sessions to my department, as well as post any learning points on my blog.
Lobbying the Arts: Changing Dynamics at the Federal Level
Funding Issues
Become fluent in Tessitura and KC Master, as well as brush up skills in Excel and Outlook.
Establish contacts and learn more about the rest of the organization by meeting with at least 2 staff members outside of the Major Gifts office, including one from Production.
Improve my research and writing abilities through briefings.
Improve communication by building relationships with co-workers, fellow interns, and possibly donors.
Learn about the specific fundraising campaigns in more detail, and include information in my journal.
Explore every aspect of development, discovering strengths and weaknesses, as well as likes and dislikes.

___________________________ ___________________________
Kara Barnes, Major Gifts Manager Lori Siegelaub, Intern