Kennedy Center Internship

The purpose of this blog is to track my progress and work as a Vilar Institute Intern at the Kennedy Center, in Washington, DC.

Friday, October 22, 2004


So besides this week flying by, today has been a very interesting Friday. Everyone in the office is really chill on Fridays, so I wasn't suspecting anything when David Crossland pulled me, Liana, and Holly into Marie's office. As it turns out, Clarence is being released from his position, and will be leaving today. It's so weird to think he won't be here on Monday. I don't really know exactly what to think of this occurance. I've been here for about half the semester, and I've seen lots of people hired, and now one fired. I guess it happens in every organization. I just wonder how things will function in MG now. How will things be different when there is an Assistant Manager missing? I wonder who will take his position? Maybe Liana...she works so hard.

Anyway, outside of today's sitaution, things are going well. My mid-semester evaluation was really informative. Kara and I had a talk in the Bird Room (which is great, by the way!), and discussed strengths and weaknesses. She was very fair in her critique of me, and I really appreciated her thoughtful remarks. I am taking the comments and using them as learning points with my work ethic. We also discussed fixing up the MG Internship Manual, which I was really hoping I could do. There are a bunch of rituals that were passed down with the interns that I hope to get going again!

So, if things work out, I will be a seat filler at the Mark Twain Prize! I worked my schedule around so that, if I am chosen, I can go. Hopefully... :-)

In the news...The New York Post reports that the Philadelphia Orchestra is getting closer to an agreement, since the mayor has reasoned with the musicians and the management.