Kennedy Center Internship

The purpose of this blog is to track my progress and work as a Vilar Institute Intern at the Kennedy Center, in Washington, DC.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Getting along...

Ok, so this week has been interesting, but I have gotten all my work done for classes, including my scenework. Work has been going well, and there never seems to be a dull moment here. Today was the end of the Fiscal Year, so there was a party out on the balcony, which was great.

I've been doing a lot better with meeting people, feeling more secure, etc. I will be meeting with Bill Matson, who is the manager for the Terrace Theatre. At our meeting, I will be interviewing him, and have the opportunity to ask him any questions about the production work at KC. I am also working with Deirdre to secure a meeting with her. Everything in that department seems to be going well.

When the Major Gifts office had our meeting on Monday this past week, my boss noticed my good research and compiling abilities. I was really happy that she commented on something I know that is my strong point. Now three of my briefings are on their way to Devo meetings, where the potential donor may be targeted for a gift. It's really exciting to watch all of this happen, knowing you are helping along the way.

A critical incident that occurred outside the KC really made me happy this week. I was working so hard to make my scene for Directing class extra good. After the first showing, I felt that the scene went well, but the professor stopped me on Thursday while I was on campus, and told me that my scene was one of the best in the class. I was so floored because it proved that I can really do this! It's been difficult so far, but I can handle it.

In the news...The Washington Post reports that Photography will now be included in the gallery halls of the National Gallery. Also, the Tivoli Theatre in Columbia Heights has been re-opened. It is a movie theatre, but now the surrounding area has been developed, and the GALA Hispanic Theatre will perform and have offices in the area. The theatre is renovated Italian renaissance style. In the New York Times, there is a debate regarding intellectual property of choreographers, specifically Martha Graham. There are some who do not want her dances performed again, but there is a new production of some pieces that recently went up. Also, the Children's Museum of Manhattan is holding sessions for preschoolers who may have potential to be modern artists. There is a 4 year old who now has gallery showings, and some parents wanted to see if their kids have any talents in that department.