Kennedy Center Internship

The purpose of this blog is to track my progress and work as a Vilar Institute Intern at the Kennedy Center, in Washington, DC.

Monday, November 29, 2004

What a great Thanksgiving!

After a wonderful Thanksgiving in NY with my boyfriend and his family, I feel refreshed and ready for my last two weeks here at the Kennedy Center, as well as finals. Hopefully, everything will tie up neatly, and I will be able to get all my work done. I'm so excited about going home for Winter Break and seeing my family.

I have begun seriously looking for a part time job for next semester. On Wednesday, I found two job openings that looked like good prospects for me. I asked Holly for some advice on applying, and she had some good pointers for me. Also, my supervisor Kara will be looking at my resume and cover letter for the job opening at KC that I am applying for. I'm lucky to have such nice people in this department with me, who care about where I end up! Anyway, the help and guidence I am receiving is so kind, and I just wanted to mention it in my blog.

The week has been pretty short because of Thanksgiving, but I will still do a brief re-cap. I got to help out on Wednesday and Sunday with the Joffrey Ballet's production of The Nutcracker. It was great to be backstage, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of it. I was starting to feel really far away from the production side of things in development. That is something I need to think about when I am deciding on a future career path. Right now, however, I am trying out all things, and not limiting myself in any way. Volunteering was a great time...I got to help out with the children (70 in all) who were in the production. We had to take them from the dressing room, to wigs and makeup, to the stage...and back again! It was really fun, and I was glad to help out. Next up...the Honors. Hopefully, I get to volunteer and see the event in person.

Other than that...not too much. I'm hoping to see Thoroughly Modern Millie in the Opera House. The one show I've been so anxious to see!!

In the news...The Washington Post (11/25) reviewed the Joffrey's Nutcracker, and also reviewed the show that Catholic University was workshopping. It's a musical featuring Jerome Kerns songs. The Post (11/29) also wrote up a review of the Texas Prison Museum, which looks like an interesting museum, to say the least.

The New York Times (11/27) writes that Eve Ensler (of the Vagina Monologues) has created a new show focusing on women and body image, entitled "The Good Body." The review was a positive one, and its a show I would be interested in seeing. Also in the Times (11/29), in order to close a debt in the city, Chicago will be utilizing eBay to raise money for its cultural affairs office. The city will be auctioning off items, tours, and experiences that are important to it. The creator of this, Louis Weisberg, is responsible for the cows that invaded the city and raised a lot of money for culture in the city.