Kennedy Center Internship

The purpose of this blog is to track my progress and work as a Vilar Institute Intern at the Kennedy Center, in Washington, DC.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Almost rounding home plate!

As the semester is drawing to a close, so is my internship at the Kennedy Center. While I have enjoyed my time here, I have also learned much about myself as a working professional, which is much different than my work as a student. It has been an interesting experience, and one that I am certainly glad I was given the opportunity to have.

It's also been an extremely interesting week! The highlight of my week, by far, happened on Wednesday. I was out with Holly, going to different FedEx stores all over the city to pick up packaging to send CD's out to donors. When we got back, I had an assignment from Jean Campos in Special Events. I was charged with calling a subsect of the list of attendees for the Chairman's Honorees Luncheon, which is taking place on Saturday. My section of the list was from P to S. Needless to say, Izchack Pearlman and Alma Powell were on my list. The Pearlman's didn't pick up their phone (but they got a message from me!)...however, Alma picked up her phone...and I got to talk on the phone with her. It was pretty exciting. Most of these important people have assistants to take care of things like RSVP's , but Alma went right ahead and took care of it. She is a big time supporter of the Kennedy Center, but I was impressed that I could hold it together while I was on the phone with her. I lost it as soon as we hung up, but it was great!

Anyway, so how is that for a critical incident?!? I love it...

I got my final evaluation in from my supervisor, and its a little different than I expected. I still dont know if I "made progress," but all of a sudden new issues have come up...which is fine, because I like criticism...but I didnt know that certain points were weaker than others. However, it was progress from the last one. My phone demeanor has gotten a lot better, and I have been representing the Kennedy Center well on the phone. Good to know.

I will be able to report on Monday what happened over the weekend with Honors. I will be working at the Chairman's Honorees Luncheon on Saturday, not at the actual event. I'm so excited, though, to be around with all of the people whose names I now recognize from filing and doing paperwork on them. Plus, the honorees. What a great time to be at the Kennedy Center.

In the news...The Washington Post (11/30) reviewed the production of "Willa Wonka" at the Kennedy Center...mostly good critique, citing it is good for young audiences. The Post (12/1) also reported on the sad state of the NEA funding that President Bush promised in January. Now only $2 million remains for the agency to appropriate out.

There was also a great article in the New York Times (12/2) about the King Tut exhibit, and how much the Egyptian government is making off of it. Museums are having a more difficult time choosing what exhibits they want to have, since all the touring exhibitions are peddling themselves around. Also, the exhorbatant prices! $30 to see King Tut!!